Discover How Our Pest, Insect and Bed Bugs Exterminator Long Island Company Keeps an A+ Rating
Pest Pro Exterminating is based in Bohemia and is Long Island`s leading full-service pest control company. We provide services in all phases of pest control to homes and businesses. We work as a team towards one primary goal: to help our fellow Long Islanders with pest control and extermination.
Pest Pro Exterminating is a proud member of the Better Business Bureau. We employ the finest trained and certified technicians that are leaders in the industry of pest control and extermination.

Custom Exterminator Long Island NY Plans
No one is immune to infestation. Most insects are persistent in invading your home, regardless of how clean your home is. In New York we have all 4 seasons and with each season comes a new pest problem. We provide protection plans such as monthly or quarterly service so that you are protected every time a new season begins.
In areas such as Fire Island, you are prone to insects like ticks, which can be a terrible nuisance. Being a Long Island extermination company, we know how bad the tick problem can be when you are vacationing in the summer. Our extermination and pest control plans can help you protect yourself, your family, and your pets!
Not sure about a pest control or insect Long Island exterminator problem?
Often times customers have trouble identifying their problem. Whether it`s bed bugs, rats, roaches, or other pests, Pest Pro can help you determine any pest infestation problems.
You can expect only the best from Pest Pro Exterminating when we come to your home or business. Our professional and thorough technicians will inspect your home for any damage or warning signs of infestation.